Coming up...making the difference

We meet every first Sunday, every other odd month. All meetings take place in the Kean Library at 11:20 unless otherwise posted.

May 4th, 2014

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Eco Faith Meetup, Sunday 8/26

Eco Faith Meetup 8/26

Everyone is invited to come and network with people interested in Faith and Sustainability.
RSVP's are requested by clicking on the link. Be there!

Girls pick fresh produce from Gardens of Grace

Fresh pick of the day
3 eager helpers were amazed at the crop from one harvest spree last Sunday. Tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, squash and more tomatoes!
Thanks to their help and Barb W., who will bring the harvest to 'Circle of Concern', our food pantry we like to help out with fresh produce.