Coming up...making the difference

We meet every first Sunday, every other odd month. All meetings take place in the Kean Library at 11:20 unless otherwise posted.

May 4th, 2014

Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 % Challenge - we did it!

National Headlines among Churches: The 10% Challenge 
Approx. 250 congregations from 38 states entered the Interfaith Power and Light challenge. The IPL was initiated through Grace Episcopal Cathedral in San Francisco and provides over 10,000 congregations with sustainable resources to help lower the carbon footprint in faith communities all over the States.
Our very own Grace Church entered the 10% challenge. We displayed our ongoing efforts to reduce our energy and waste impact in our church buildings through comprehensive measurements like energy audits, light sensors, changed light bulbs, recycling and the vision to significantly reduce our energy bills by replacing our 45 year old Heating and Cooling system!
Grace made it into the finals and 5 random winners received a cash incentive of $10,000. While we were not among the recipients of the money prize we have been awarded with the 10% Challenge Certificate that we will proudly display as soon as we receive it. Congratulations Grace, we made national headlines by protecting our fragile home, God’s gift to us.

Movie event a big success!

THANK YOU to all who came to our first Diocesan wide movie event.
‘The Human Footprint’ by National Geographic presented a challenging display of our impact on God’s planet. Our Grace Creation Care Ministry (GCCM) Team did a fine job hosting this event, providing popcorn and cider to more than 35 parishioners from different churches throughout our Diocese. Several eco friendly household alternatives were displayed and the Cathedral bookstore provided many sustainable options from jewelry to green Bibles. This event was co-hosted by our Diocesan ‘Green Team’ – SustainAFaith. Its members include Kay Faddis from Emmanuel, Webster, Kelly Carlson, Associate Priest at St. Peters, Ladue and Barbi Click from the Cathedral. A big thanks to all of their hard work!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bishop Smith on Caring for planet Earth

Reflections on Sabbatical
includes a very heartfelt observation by Bishop Wayne Smith, that, if all the data are truth regarding climate change, how then shall we live? He mentions that he enjoyed reading 'Eaarth' by Bill McKibben.
Please read the article and share your thoughts on this blog. I would like to  suggest that we read 'Eaarth' as a group and offer a discussion evening later in the fall.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Presiding Bishop and the Oil Spill

Please take some time to read Presiding Bishop Schori's comment on the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Electronic recycling in St. Louis until 10/2010

 Monthly drop-off location for electronics in St. Louis: From February until October:
E-cycling collection site:  Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex on the Parks & Recreation Buildingparking lot, 17891 North Outer 40.  Items can be dropped off every 4th Saturday of the month Feb-Oct from 10-4.  No fees, a donation to cover handling expenses is appreciated.

Accepted Items: 
- Computers, laptops, monitors, printers, cables and peripherals (keyboards, mice etc.)
- Networking equipment, telecommunications, phones, clocks, etc.
- TVs, VCRs, stereos and like audio/video/satellite/cable equipment
- Home electronics, blenders, toasters, etc.
- Washers, dryers, dishwashers, furnaces and A/C equipment
- Electrical, cabling, and communication machinery and equipment
- Lawn equipment, tools, old mowers, tillers, etc.
- Old motors, transformers, and all electrical equipment
- Car and lead-containing batteries
- CDs, VHS, DVDs, cassettes, DAT, and all types of software

Business and residents can also request a low-cost pick up service.  All donations are tax deductible.
For more information:    314-382-1650

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Recycling batteries and cell phones

We have a new service at Grace: Call2Recycle is a voluntary program that recycles rechargeable batteries and used cell phones.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Population, Politics, and the Environment

Warren Davis shared this video with me. A must see from our very own St. Louis faculty.

Kilowatt Ours

I would love to show this at Grace and Diocesan wide. Emmanuel saw this screening and they loved it! It's a wonderful example of how to avoid building power plants by simply conserving energy and reducing our wasteful usage of our resources.
Please check it out!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sign up for the community garden

For those interested in helping with growing vegetables and fruits for our community at Grace and beyond, we need people with knowledge, working hands and open hearts. Are you excited about growing tomatoes and cucumbers? The Vestry at Grace has addressed a possible community garden. We need a group of willing minds to come together and discuss and work on such a projects. Please leave a comment if you are interested. This is a wonderful and exciting opportunity!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Composting Info (click here)

I have lived, composted, and gardened in several states and these Ag Extension websites are the best place for state specific info on what really works (who cares what the TV show says works in Florida or Ca for example). Missouri's website has really good info.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Laclede gas customer rebates

Get great financing by paying off your new energy efficient water heater or gas furnace through your monthly gas bill.
Laclede will give you rebates and help install the new appliances.

Rebates for home and commercial customers using natural gas by Ameren

Ameren has funds for anyone who wants to reduce their gas utilities by obtaining energy efficient furnaces, water heaters or thermostats.
Please see the link for more details.
You have to be an Ameren Natural Gas customer though.

Diving deeper into a topic

Dear Colleagues,
I find your enthusiasm for the community garden wonderful!
We will have a lot to talk about at our next meeting this Sunday.
Let me suggest to you a thought that I have seen in other churches with green teams.
Different people have different agendas and some are more into one green topic than another. Therefore some congregations have divided up their green team ministry in multiple genres. For example, the most common topics in green congregations are:
-Community Garden
-Recycling and composting
-Faith and sustainability (educating the parish to reduce their carbon footprint with movies, books, Eco events, other resources)
-Energy conservation (mostly building related)
-Green purchase policy (buying energy efficient products like CFL, LED or recycled paper for our bulletins, fair trade products for coffee hour and events)
-Genesis covenant (remember the Episcopal convention signed the legislation to reduce all church related carbon emissions by 50% within 10 years)
and whatever else is important to us.
So please pray and think about where you would like see yourself. Of course multiple seats are an option!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Community garden coming to Grace? Why not!

Please see Jim Davis' comment on a possible community garden at Grace. This is a wonderful opportunity to do so much more with our lot than just parking. I know that many of you were interested in this, so keep the comments coming.

"Jim Davis: This is green-related... I asked (at Tuesday's Vestry meeting) if anyone was interested in working along with me & Denise Miller to get started on a 'Community Garden' on our property. I'm just beginning to do some research on what all is involved. Really could use an energetic semi-retired person (with time) to help implement this idea. The thought is: we'd grow vegetables and donate that produce to needy places around St. Louis. Interested?"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Have blog, will use it.

This can be a very useful tool to share ideas and post links quickly and efficiently without sending around a bunch of e-mails. Please post at least one comment to check if this works for you. Thank you!